STRESS?! What to Do About it!
It is something that gets to all of us on some level and we know the effects it has on us. For many it shows up as irritability, low energy, moodiness, lack of motivation, headaches, digestive upset, sleeplessness. It is also a contributor to cardiovascular disease, depression, anxiety, diabetes among so many other things. We all know someone who is experiencing some of these things on a chronic level or maybe even some reading are themselves.
Not enough is talked about how when you manage stress you can often get rid of the problem. For so many the root cause of there discomfort can be traced back to stress. How many of us are triggered by the guy who messes up at work? or by the flood of emails that come in each day with "problems?"
Stressed by not feeling like they have enough time in the day? or any other assortment of things.
It makes sense if you think about it. If stress causes the body to act in a way that causes it to feel sick then if you remove stress then it is possible for you to remove the illness or discomfort.
Many use drugs to manage the effects stress has on their body. Some will exercise to get rid of the stress. Deep breathing or meditation. But these things don't "get rid" of the stress. Don't get me wrong they can be helpful and I do many of these things. They manage it. They are outlets or band-aids. .
So what's the answer? I'm not going to pretend to have all the answers and I am not a doctor but I can share what has worked for me and others.
The thing from my experience is you don't get rid of stressful events. Things will get crazy at work, you'll get rear ended in the parking lot, there will be an emergency that you can never predict. Your dog may get hit by a car.
ACCEPT those things.
One of the keys I have learned is that to minimize the effects of stress it can help to minimize what stresses you out. Letting go of how you think things are supposed to be and surrender to what it actually is and being ok with that. This is obviously a practice, one that I've dedicated a lot of time too but it is one remedy to stress.
"choose not to be harmed and you wont feel harmed...don't feel harmed and you haven't been"-Marcus Aurelius
Stress has put me in the hospital, caused me digestive issues, depression and anxiety on a big level.
There are many books I've read on this subject and the one in the picture is another great one for anyone looking to manage their emotions, stress and live with greater ease and acceptance. For many the world is a scary place right now but for others it is still as wonderful as it has always been.
Both are true if you allow them to be.
Which perspective do you want to have?