Letting Go

We carry with us a huge assortment of negative feelings, attitudes, opinions and beliefs. This weight makes many miserable and unhappy and is the basis for a lot of stress, anxiety, illness and problems. We say this is what it is to be human, this is life.
Many of us spend a lot of time and energy trying to escape these feelings. Occasionally we will find ways to temporarily escape them through exercise, alcohol, drugs, medications, etc. But often the same negative feelings, fears and beliefs are waiting for us afterwards. We fear that if we confront this negativity we will be overcome and overwhelmed by it. Because most of us are never taught how to handle feelings when we let them come up. Because we continue to suppress them they accumulate. We attach them to thoughts and say " this is why I feel this way."
However it is not the thoughts themselves that are painful but the feelings we pin them to. The accumulation of suppressed or repressed feelings are what cause our negative thoughts. One feeling can create thousands of thoughts. Remember back on one painful memory from when you were a kid...look at all the years of thoughts you have associated with that one memory. What if you could release the feeling and therefore the painful memory?
This is outlined in research (Gray-LaViolette, 1981) that demonstrated feeling tones organize thoughts and memory. Our brains organize thoughts in the memory bank according to the various feelings associated with those thoughts. Therefore when we release the the feeling we are freeing ourselves from all the associated thoughts.
This means exactly what you may think it means...It means we have the power to rewrite our experience of life and free ourselves from negative thinking. All feelings can be let go in an instant. This is the process of letting go.
To be free of inner conflict and expectations is to give ourselves and others the greatest gift of freedom and joy. It allows us to be, do, and have what we are worthy and deserving of. It allows us to take care of our health, our bodies and ourselves in a myriad of way. It allows us to live with ease and not in discomfort, pain, guilt or shame. The idea that life has to be hard and then we die is a lie. It is only true if you decide to believe it. You have the power and it is your choice.
The process of feeling it and letting go is described in further depth in Dr. David Hawkins book Letting Go. You can find it HERE


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