My Story


My Journey from Rock Bottom to Radiance

I wholeheartedly believe that in life, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. It's this belief that has fueled my passion for helping others and my commitment to personal growth and evolution. But let me take you back to how it all began, because it certainly wasn't a natural or easy path.

I grew up with an overwhelming sense of anxiety that extended far beyond mere shyness. As a child, I experienced full-blown panic attacks. I can vividly remember my mom having to coax me out the door to catch the school bus, and often, I'd feign illness just to avoid going to school. Social events, like classmates' birthday parties, were usually a no-go for me, or if I did decide to attend, it often ended in tears and anxiety.

My struggles continued into middle school, where I'd opt out of school dances to stay home alone. At the age of 14, I found solace in working out and daydreaming about becoming the next WWE star instead of socializing. High school brought about a change as I became increasingly involved in sports and athletics, which helped alleviate some of my anxiety.

However, my battle was far from over. I grappled with self-esteem, eating issues, and body image concerns. Toward the end of high school, between 2004 and 2005, our family said goodbye to my grandpa, grandma, and uncle. During this turbulent period, my older brother attempted suicide, sending shockwaves through our family.

These events unfolded in just a span of two years and left me emotionally battered. I was prescribed antidepressants and anxiety medication, and during that time, my motivation waned, my weight surged, and I felt like a mere shell of my former self. It was the unwavering support of my family and the unspoken inspiration from my friends that carried me through these tumultuous years.

After high school, I struggled to find direction and motivation for what lay ahead. While friends embarked on clear-cut paths with majors and career plans, I was still trying to figure out my weekends. A few years passed in this state of confusion, marked by binge drinking on weekends and overeating in the aftermath, leaving me with feelings of guilt and shame.

In 2009, I made a pivotal decision to pursue personal training certifications, leaving college at the age of 22. By the time I was 24, I had taken on my first training job at a gym near my hometown. Over the years, I gathered valuable experience, and by the spring and summer of 2014, I was in the best physical shape of my life. I was stronger, leaner, and more muscular than ever before. Life seemed to be falling into place.

Then, one fateful Sunday morning, on July 13, 2014, I woke up to a crushing headache. I initially brushed it off as allergies or morning grogginess. But as I got out of bed, I felt dizzy. Ignoring it, I returned to bed to scroll through my phone. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep again, only to wake up shivering with a fever of 101 degrees.

The following day, my condition worsened. My fever climbed to a dangerous 104 degrees, and I knew I had to call my dad for help.

"Dad," I said, "I'm not feeling well. I think I need to go to the ER."

My dad rushed to my side as I was too unwell to even drive myself. At the hospital, within minutes, I went from sitting in a chair to being hoisted onto a hospital bed as my heart rate plummeted and my kidneys began to fail.

The days that followed were filled with medical tests and uncertainty. They checked me for everything from meningitis to Lyme disease, conducted a spinal tap, and ruled out infections and viruses. Then came the moment when a priest came to pray with me and my family, a clear sign that the medical team was unsure of what to do next.

Wednesday night brought a glimmer of hope as my fever finally broke, and I could sit up without the throbbing headaches. But the doctors still had no answers. As I left the hospital, I carried with me the weight of the unknown.

This harrowing experience was a stark wake-up call. I knew something had to change in my life. I became acutely aware of what I was putting into my body and shifted my focus away from mere physical appearance. I turned into a metabolic detective, closely monitoring how food, diet, and exercise influenced my well-being. My relationship with food and exercise underwent a transformation, and I started to see the world beyond my own perspective.

Nine years have passed since that life-altering moment, and my life has transformed in ways I couldn't have imagined. It's not just about being physically healthy; it's about holistic well-being and aligning my identity with my true self. I broke free from the mold of societal expectations and listened to my own calling and passion.

As I write this, I'm traveling and living in the southwestern United States with my wife and dog. Over the past decade, I've had the privilege of working with hundreds of individuals, helping them navigate their own journeys of transformation.

I firmly believe that helping others isn't merely something I do; it's an intrinsic part of who I am. Thank you for taking the time to learn about my journey, and I eagerly look forward to hearing about yours.

-Alex Cook

What People Are Saying


Alex was truly inspirational and I felt like I always had someone in my corner cheering me on my journey to get healthy. I not only lost weight but I gained a lot of insight from him. Thank you Alex, you rock!


Working with Alex has truly been a game changer! I constantly look forward to every conversation we have because I'm always left feeling inspired and ready to conquer whatever is next in my path. His positive energy is so refreshing and I am in awe of his ability to motivate me in all aspects of my career and my life. I will forever refer my patients to him because I know he will take care of their mind, body, and soul, and that means the world to me. Thank you Alex for always giving your clients 110%!



From the moment I met Alex , I knew he was a person that could help me achieve new goals and also the one that would help change my life for the better. I started training with Alex last April. During the last 6 months I have been challenged and pushed by Alex, and he has taught me a great deal. He makes working out fun and inspires me to reach new goals.

— SUE T.

Alex is a very good trainer, he is not all about just lifting weights, he is more about making life changes. You do not have to stop eating your favorite foods, it's all about moderation. Alex is very knowledgeable about a healthy body and mind. He continues to research new and improved ways to improve your physical and mental state.


Motivation is overrated-it comes and goes. They key to lifelong habits is building a lifestyle that makes motivation obsolete.

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