Mindset Matters: Unveiling the Key to Lasting Transformation and Lifelong Success

One of the biggest differences between people who lose weight, keep it off, and expand their life for the better for good is the perception they have on life.

What Many Do:
See themselves as a victim of their circumstances.

-Healthy food is too expensive
-No time for exercise
-Too many responsibilities 
-Don't know what to do

This mindset keeps them stuck and in the "comfort" of their own misery. Even if they don't like it, at least it is familiar. Familiarity breads comfort and security.

Its not so much self sabotage as it is an identity of everything is hard.

The examples above are all the story of "I'm not worth it and I am not a priority."

Healthy food is too expensive=Im not worth the best food available and likely a limiting mindset around money.

Why This Doesn't Work:

You might be thinking " Yeah but all of these are true."

They are if you say they are.

Your beliefs and perspective will dictate your attitude around your life and life situation.

The only question worth asking when it comes to your mindset and beliefs is;

Is This Useful?

And this is the question that guides my life in chaos, stress, and everything in between.

This question allows you to shape a perspective around your life situation in a way that has meaning and aligns with the life you want.

Don't want to be overweight or unhealthy? Is this useful becomes a question that quickly weeds out the "good" and the "bad" in your decisions.

Your stories around who you are and what your life has been up to this point will certainly be a filter for answering this question.

So you must ask this question of who you think you are.

The people who have it "figured out" look at their life for what it is.

Everything is being born, growing or dying. There is not a finish line and they realize the work doesn't stop.

The very instant a thing or person reaches its peak, it begins to decline. Nothing is permanent except for change. You must be flexible and proactive in seeing things in your favor and as an opportunity to grow.

This is important to grasp because you don't hit a goal and stop. In fact their is no actual goal, other than to grow and evolve. You must stop measuring your success based on a scale, clothes and pictures. 

Sure these can be useful motivators, but as soon as you hit the goal you don't stop.

This is the mistake people make.

Their acting healthy for a little while instead of BEing truly healthy. 

Life is constant inflow and outflow. You don't lose weight and go back. You keep the habits that got you there and iterate.

So if you aren't happy with where you are at physically, mentally, emotionally then you must consider that the thing holding you back aren't circumstances but your opinion of what those circumstances mean in your journey.

Is it useful to see yourself as the victim in your journey?

Probably not.

So its time to get to work on re-creating your story.

Re-creating what your obstacles in life mean and how they can be useful to your success.


Insights from Across the Pond: Embracing Clarity and Minimalism in a World of Distractions


Embrace the Unexplainable: Trusting Yourself and Embracing Your Journey