Embrace the Unexplainable: Trusting Yourself and Embracing Your Journey

A problem I observe other making is the lack of trust in themselves.

So here is a friendly reminder that the things that excite you, lift you up, make you smile and elevate the essence of who you are...

Are never mistakes to explore.

No Matter What the Price.

In fact, trying to talk yourself out of them will be an even bigger mistake.

When you know, you know and there is no denying it. Not the truth anyway. The truth always sits with you.

The picture here is at glance nothing special. My name on the side of a cliff.

But I came across this at an interesting time in my life.

You see, when we sold our house a few years ago we were excited to explore, learn, grow and travel.

The plan, as i've mentioned to many was;

To have no plan.

Scary for some, freeing for others I suppose.

Anyway, a couple of months into traveling we were staying on the coast in southern California. We would get up every morning and walk the beach.

And early one morning I had meditated and journaled and found myself asking for a sign.

A sign that I was in the right place.

That I was making the right decisions with my life.

Selling our house, uprooting our life, my wife had quit her job of 10 years and I was re-starting my business. Incredibly new and exciting but uncomfortable at times. 

I was asking for reassurance. For a sign. Something I couldn't ignore. Our brains want to make sense of everything. I wanted something I couldn't explain but knew if I came across it, I wouldn't be able to deny it.

So we walked down the beach, feet in the sand, eyes on the horizon as I watched the waves crash on the shore.

I glanced up to the cliff and quietly wandered up to see the patterns that the waves were leaving in the sand.

As I glanced up to watch my footing I noticed that my name had been written into the side of the cliff. I looked around and we were the only ones on the beach.

It rocked me.

If even for a moment, because there was no denying I was exactly where I needed to be in that moment.

I could feel it in my heart.

We don't all get signs that clear and obvious. But I don't have any doubt that they are there all around us nonetheless.

And that moment reminded me that we are all exactly where we need to be in each moment of our life.

We all play a part in choosing our reality as we see it.

Sometimes it feels good. Sometimes it doesn't.

But you are a part of its manifestation either way.

So embrace it.

And if you are feeling called, pulled, guided towards something in your life that you just can't explain, that doesn't make sense, that nobody will understand or support you on....

Do it anyway. You have to know. You have to either cross it off the list or see it through.

This is how you build trust with yourself. Through experience and iteration. 

Not getting all the info, data, feedback, etc. before every doing anything.

Hope you have a good week.


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