Insights from Across the Pond: Embracing Clarity and Minimalism in a World of Distractions

I just got back home from traveling the UK for two weeks.

Anytime I travel I always look to take a fresh perspective on my life.

For me this tends to be reflection on what is working vs what is not working. This could pertain to my health, relationships, business and whole life in general.

I've talked about this before, but to me, there is no better opportunity to reflect on your day-to-day life than when you have removed yourself from it, like on a trip or vacation.

What I took away on my most recent travel was the amount of things, people, conversations, phones, computers, etc that we use as distractions in our life. 

Sure, this is quite obvious to most. But when you put your phone on airplane mode for large chunks of the day like I did, or go two weeks without turning on a TV, don't do much scrolling, it is the experience that lends itself a whole new meaning.

As a society is fair to say we are addicted to cheap dopamine hits that come with constant consumption.

Before we got on the plane to come back to the states I made a vow to myself that I would consume less.

This experiment will go into all areas of my life from news, courses, books, podcast to even food.

Because the truth is we use ALL of these things as distractions.

I came across this tweet from Tim Ferriss that sums of everything I had been contemplating.

When you have clear, defined goals that are important, it then becomes very clear what DOES and DOESN'T align with the realization of those goals.

This is where, as Tim puts it, becoming selectively ignorant is so important.

Input and output are on the same part of the stick. The differentiator is just to what degree? 

So to have better output (results and actions) you must be mindful and extremely considerate of the input.

As Tim also pointed out, most information is time consuming, useless, negative and irrelevant when it comes to your goals.

It'd be worth taking some time today and take inventory on what you are consuming in your life and how much it as actually taking away from you and NOT helping you. 

Even the self-help books and podcast for example. They are useless unless acted upon. So start acting, creating.

Enough of the getting ready to do it, learning how to do it.

It's time to act in alignment with the version of you that meets your highest good and potential.

You've got this.


Embrace Change and Transform Your Life: The Power of Shifting Your Inner Landscape


Mindset Matters: Unveiling the Key to Lasting Transformation and Lifelong Success