Slow Down to Speed Up: The Power of Starting Small for BIG Gains

Statistically speaking it is estimated that as much as 70% of Americans are overweight or obese.

There is more info, help, support, food, supplements at our fingertips than EVER before.

How can we be so unhealthy and yet have everything we need to be successful at the same time?

In my opinion, people are confused on what it actually takes to achieve fat loss success.

What Many People Do:
Everywhere around us on TV, Instagram, Facebook, movies, etc we are modeled men with six pack abs, women with flat stomachs and shapely hips.

If we dig deeper we can even find their diet and training regimens to follow.

Or we find and article and can read about how they are up at 2am and training at 3 am (Mark Wahlberg) or training at 1am after landing off their private jet (The Rock)

Or maybe they are doing keto (Kardashians)
Paleo (Gwyneth Paltrow)
Vegan (Natalie Portman, Ariana Grande)

So we see what they are doing and think " I want to look like them, so I will do that."

Why It Doesn't Work:
The obvious answer here is that most of us aren't The Rock or Venus Williams. We aren't genetically gifted (or using performance enhancing drugs) or have their resources or even work ethic.

The other problem is that each of are starting from a different starting block.

Meaning, they are all different and have unique preferences metabolically but also psychologically.

The truth is that any one of these "diets" can work...The training can work...

however, we have to consider how they might work for us.

What many do is try their favorite celebs diet and forget that their lifestyle wont allow for the same choices.

They are neglecting any individuality and then when they fall off the wagon, there is a lot of shame and guilt that follows.

Diet and exercise is not a "plug and play" thing here. It is highly specific to the person.

You don't follow a diet and exercise plan

You create one. For YOU, by YOU.

How To Actually Solve:
Now, again, I'm not saying these things can't work. But you have to remain flexible.

Use them as a starting spot if you like.

But you MUST stay open to what is actually working and be ok with changing it if you need to. Most people quit here instead. It didn't work for them and they quit...instead of iterating.

Only do what is necessary. No more, no less. If you haven't been exercising or training consistently ( 3x/week of resistance training for 6 months straight) then you dot NOT need to be hitting the gym at 2am with Mark Wahlberg or doing supersets with the Rock.

Instead, you must do what you are capable of with confidence and ease. From here you can work up and raise the bar for what you can handle.

What if instead of feeling like you have to get 4 workouts this week you just got really great at always getting 2? and when that was easy as hell, you did 3? and MAYBE did 4 down the road (if you even want to)

What if instead of finding the right diet, you simply made eating your bodyweight in protein a priority? I promise, you likely wont be hungry for much else after that and you will (magically) lose weight along the way because it'll help you eat less overall.

What if instead of running 30 miles a week and banging up your knees, you got really good at getting a leisure and easy 8k steps a day? Then, if you wanted to add more, up the intensity, have fun with it you could because you can?

It is often that the gap is so big between not working out at all and then thinking you have to workout 4x a week EVERY week that is the reason you fail to gain any traction and confidence. This is why you fail to maintain any real momentum.

Get really good at doing the easier stuff before even thinking about doing the hard stuff down the road.

I promise you, this is where your real success lies.

So here is what I want you to do.

Sit, think and ask yourself;

What is the easiest thing I can do today, and then again tomorrow, and again the next day...without fail...That I know will help me look, feel and act healthier?

3 things will happen.

1. You will come up with something very easy and simple.

2. You will laugh at how simple it is.

And at the same time

3. You will realize that you haven't been doing any of it.

So write it down. Make a plan of action for the week. Whatever it entails, write it out and get clear.

This is where you start.

And you don't iterate or change it until you've been rock solid on it for several weeks. Track and measure progress, and only when it has slowed down do you make adjustments.

At that point, ask yourself the same question and make a similar plan.

Hope this is useful to you.


Embrace the Unexplainable: Trusting Yourself and Embracing Your Journey


Embracing the Ups and Downs: Navigating Day to Day