Unlocking the Simplicity of Fat Loss: Your Unique Path to Success

Fat loss can be difficult.

but... It is actually very simple.

Consume less calories than your body needs and your body will begin to burn stored fat for energy.

People understand this and then confuse themselves on what the best diet is.

Its like they hear it but don't understand.

Any diet CAN work.

What Most People Do:

Keto, paleo, fasting, gluten free, Mediterranean, low carb, etc.

At the heart of it all, what these diets are accomplishing is they tend to be lower calories than what the dieter was doing before.

That's it.

Not magic, no secret. The dieter is able to achieve a caloric deficit.

Why This Does Not Work:

By trying to keep the diet within certain parameters ( no carbs=keto, no starches or sugars, grains=paleo, low carb=no carb, etc.) they create a system that becomes incredibly restricting.

You mean to tell me you plan on never having a slice of pizza or a donut every again?

I didn't think so.

And don't tell me you'll do this until you get to your goal weight and then you'll go back to eating more "normal".

You can't go back to eating how you were because you'll gain all the weight back.

Where does that leave you?

You will also not have built any real habits or skills since all you've been doing is following a plan.

How I Solve This:

You have a unique lifestyle, with unique preferences and unique likes and dislikes.

You must honor these if what you want is sustainability. Which is what you should want.

What good is losing 10, 20 or 30+ pounds if you gain it back?

In fact, research shows that only 4% of people who lose weight will keep it off long term.

I've written about this to exhaustion in the past but it is an important reminder for many.

If what you are doing now to lose weight isn't sustainable then you have a 96% failure rate.

The thing many of those diets have going is that they tend to be higher in protein, fat and whole foods.

Bruce Lee had a saying "take what is useful, discard what isn't, and add what is uniquely your own."

Dieting works the same way.

Take what the other diets do well and then iterate and add foods you enjoy within a reasonable calorie range.

You can learn how to figure out how many calories to aim for in a previous blog post HERE

Once you have that figured out, you can choose what foods you like and fill the calories the way that suits your needs and lifestyle.

I can't tell you how many of my clients say to me "You know, this seems easier than it should be. Don't be afraid to push me harder. I can work harder!"

Its that mentality that dieting is supposed to be hard that tricks people into thinking they aren't doing everything they can.

Except that same mindset has caused them to fail in the past.

Faster and more extreme does not equal quicker and better.

The more you push on your body, the more it pushes back and that's a losing battle every single time.

Its not that dieting or losing weight is hard.

Its that you are trying to do it in a way that will never make sense for you.

You make it hard.

Now you know how to make it easy.

You've got this!


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