What is Neglecting Your Health REALLY Costing You?

What is not taking care of yourself REALLY costing you?
Being healthy is expensive. We hear it all the time. Organic vs non-organic, supplements, gym memberships, whole foods vs processed foods.
Not to mention the time it takes. Waking up early to drive to the gym, workout, drive back. food prep; taking time on Sunday to cook food for the week or spend an hour each night prepping whole, nutrient dense food.
Lets face it, it is not convenient. Especially when your habits look nothing like the ones listed above. To go from where you currently are to that may seem overwhelming. It is much more convenient to swing by Starbucks each morning to get your caffeine and coffee fix, its much more convenient to swing by McDonalds on the way home from work or when you have hungry kids in the car. It is much more convenient to go eat out at your favorite burger place. It is much more convenient to sleep in.
There is not right or wrong here. In fact a mix of each can be good for you.
But here's the thing..
Only doing things out of convenience will not get you from where you are to where you want to be. You are better than that and deserve more.
The truth is by NOT doing the things you view as "expensive" for your health you are costing yourself so much more.
Confidence, relationships, self-love, energy, mental clarity, sleep.
As if that's not enough, what is not having those things costing you?
No Confidence=bye bye promotion, what's that worth? Thousands? millions?
No mental clarity=No new ideas at your job, how valuable are you then?
No self-love= watch your relationships around you dissolve in front of your eyes.
No quality sleep= How are you supposed to create new solutions in your career or offer any real value? also, good luck being present in your work meetings.
The list goes on..
The point is that you are sacrificing SO MUCH MORE and it can be SO MUCH MORE COSTLY to neglect yourself, your health, your mind, your body, your life than it will EVER be to invest in it. It is potentially costing you the life you want and deserve.
Maybe it is time to ditch the excuse that it is too expensive to invest in your health and admit it is too costly NOT to.
What has not investing in your health cost you in the past? Care to guess a dollar amount?
I'd LOVE to hear back from you on this!


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