The Art of Self-Belief: Igniting the Path to Achievement

If I told you that there was $5M waiting for you at a specific location, would you go and get it?

Keep in mind;
No strings attached.
It is yours to have and do with what you please.
Its not stolen.
All legal.

The answer is OF COURSE!!

It's a no brainer right?

You know where it is at so at this point you are getting in your car or on a plane and you are going to go and get it no matter what. You don't think about it. You put one foot in front of the other because "success" is promised to you at this point. 

You might even spend a lot of time and money to get it.

But that is ok.

Because the guarantee of having $5M is worth it, right?

What if EVERYTHING we desire in life was just like that?

As simple as a choice, taking action, arriving at the destination.

In my opinion....It is!!

The real reason people don't achieve what they want come down to 2 things.

1. Belief in self
2. Importance

That's really it.

Think about it.

What was the last thing you said would be really cool to accomplish? Or a goal that you set out to have?

Maybe it was to lose 15 lbs.

You then decided to meal prep, get a gym membership, walk every night, eat more veggies.

You get 7-10 days in and feel pretty good but then you stop as quick as you started.

"its hard"
"I don't have time to prep food"
"things keep coming up that keep me from getting to the gym"

These are the masks you've used as excuses.

The truth is that it's hard because you don't believe in yourself.
You don't have the time because you haven't made eating healthy important enough, or don't have belief in yourself that you won't snack.
Things come up because you haven't made getting a workout as important as your kids college tuition.

When you believe you are GUARANTEED success

You would never quit.

You wouldn't. It'd be insane.

The irony is you ARE guaranteed success in EVERY area of your life if you just DON'T stop.

The next time you set a goal. I want you to sit with what the feeling of accomplishment feels like. What success feels like in that moment. Really live it. Feel it. Smell it. Taste it. Touch it. Use your sense to make it real.

And next time you think about quitting, ask yourself;

Is it because I don't believe in myself?


Is it because it isn't that important to me to follow through on this?

Both questions will shine a light on your true motivation behind why you are doing certain things and at the very least give awareness on how to choose tasks, goals going forward.

Action Step:
Once you have established what is holding you back (belief or importance) then it's time to go to work on learning how to build belief or discover what is important. I can only speak for myself, but to do this you must get to know yourself better. This is where books and podcast can be so helpful. I recommend the book The Code of the Extraordinary Mind as a good start and The Four Agreements to expand your thinking and belief.


Embracing the Ups and Downs: Navigating Day to Day


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