Cracking the Code of True Wealth: Unveiling the Financial, Mental, and Physical Dimensions

Many people define personal wealth as financial stability but this couldn't be further from the truth. Real personal wealth consist of seeing abundance and strength in 3 areas.:


Think of a tripod. If one of the legs are broken or dysfunctional in any way then the whole structure is less stable.

To me it is not enough to be financially stable if the other two "legs" are unreliable.

We all know the "successful" CEO or business owner with the nice car and house who is 40,50,60 pounds overweight with unhealthy blood labs.

Or the thoughtful and creative artist who is struggling to pay the bills.

Or the fit, strong athlete who sees themselves in the mirror and wishes they were bigger, leaner and faster. They don't accept themselves as they are.

This is a common mistake many people make in their personal development journey.

Too many late nights, fast food stops, 24/7 grinding without enough walks, whole foods, and good sleep will lead to burnout, disease, and dysfunctional health physically and mentally.

Until you can find a way to balance all 3 you will find your self frustrated, tired and resentful of everyone and everything around you.

To balance out all three you must be able to create structure to test, iterate and implement long term for success.

To know how to prioritize, lets define all three.

1. Physical Health. For me and my clients we define physical health as having/creating:

1. Healthy body composition
2. Healthy blood labs
3. Managing hunger, energy and food cravings.

I wont go into details here on how to maximize these things but you can learn more about these in my free

The important thing is for you to know how you will track and measure your success here.

It can be a performance goal ( running a mile in X minutes, doing X pushups, etc.)

Once you have defined what success looks like physically you can move on to...

2. Mental Health. I have defined good mental health in a couple of ways.

1. Purpose. How am I spending my time each day? is it fulfilling? Does it make me happy? This is entirely up to you. It doesn't have to be some big world changing thing.
2. Am I growing and evolving in a way that is meaningful? What new skills am I developing? Am I challenging myself in any new ways?

You may have other questions or ways to define your mental health so this is the time to sit, think and define what that is for you. This is an important and often overlooked aspect of personal wealth. But it is imperative to have a way to check in with yourself mentally and emotionally to ensure you are on track.

3. Financial Wealth. This one may be more obvious. To me is defined as the ability to do what you want, when you want, with who you want at any given time. Everyone will have different numbers on what this looks like.

Note: This is often a difficult balance for many but I would STRONGLY suggest that you build your business, career, job, profession around your LIFE and not the other way around. Becoming a slave to your business or job, no matter how good the money, is often a recipe for burnout.

What To Do:

Now that we have defined what success looks like here, you must prioritize time in your month, week and day to ensure you are on track and accountable to what you say is important.

At first you will want to push certain things aside (skip the gym to work later, neglect boundaries with co-workers to play "nice", etc.)

But resist this urge at all cost. In fact, having a clear plan will bring awareness to when those boundaries are being over stepped or when you are acting out of alignment.

Get clear, hold boundaries and keep the main thing (physical, mental, financial) the main thing in your life.

Remember that your old level of thinking wont always allow you to be as diligent day-to-day as you would like. This is where finding a support system of like minded people or a coach can be extremely helpful.

The perfect plan isn't perfect if you don't do it so you must schedule time in each day to manage your physical, mental and financial health/wealth.


Personal wealth is a combination of physical, mental and financial strength.

Defining them is the first step.
Implementation and iteration is the second.

Protect the pursuit at all cost. You will have people that cheer you on and help clear the path to be successful. You will also have people that will sabotage and root for you to fail.

Being bulletproof to either is the key to your success.

That's it for today.

Hope you find success in all areas of your life this week!



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