Give Up Control, Gain Everything
Something I've learned as we wrap up the second month of our travel is the more I've surrendered into what each day brings the more I find I can trust that whatever is unfolding in front of me is for my greatest good and growth. When you don't have the normal daily routine, and daily tasks and you arent living in the familiar environment you realize how much of what you did was out of habit and obligation. Waking up each week in a new town, a new environment and meeting new people I have noticed I am much more sensitive to what is happening around me. Much more aware of how certain things, people events or occurrences make me feel. Because here I'm not who I was at "home". I am creating and living something new everyday. Not out of obligation or habit rather of my own intentional creation. This experience is opening me up to new ideas and enhancing my relationship with myself, people and my wife in ways I cant quite describe. I have learned to trust myself more during this process. Trust that no matter where I am or how I spend my days that I can thrive and that what others may have wanted for me or us are different. And that's ok. Life doesn't have to be complicated and spending it any other way than how you imagine or dream is not worth it to me. It really can be whatever you want it to be. I have realized that security and comfort are something many crave but mostly because we fear what's in store in the absence of them. We make this up because when things aren't predictable then we feel threatened or scared because I think we view unpredictable as not secure or safe. This experience is teaching me the opposite to be true. You don't learn and create anything new in the predictable. Stepping into the unknown allows for our greatest growth. I am not going to be here forever and neither will you. Though I miss my friends and family and think of them often, I am grateful for the realizations, and lessons I'm learning.