Mastering Your Transformation: 3 Phases of Your Journey

Over my 10 years of working with hundreds of people, there are 3 phases each person will go through during their transformation.

1. Beginners luck
2. Learn the lessons
3. Master the result

Lets break them down further

1. Beginners Luck: This is where doing almost ANYTHING other than what you had been doing yields quick, sometimes easy progress. This has its upsides and downsides. The upside is that you get to see quick results. This is great for obvious reasons, except its downside is that people begin to think that they've unlocked the key to success. Its easy, they think which encourages motivation going forward. The truth is that its just the beginning of the journey and the hard part is coming.

Looks Like: Walking more and losing 5lbs in a week, fasting 1 day and improving sleep overnight.

2. Learn the Lessons: This is after you've gone through some easy, quick progress and feel like you plateau. Most people hit this "bump" in their journey and quit.

"its not working anymore!" are words yelled from millions of people everyday frustrated with their health.

Now is not the time to give up, but time to be the student and learn what's working, why its working and how to navigate going forward. This is where you earn it over time! Often the longest phase for most people.

Look Like: Tracking calories after a plateau, specific training regimen based on preference and lifestyle with iteration and trial and error. The following weeks of stagnant weight after a 10 lb weight loss.

3. Master the Results: You've hit your "goal" but the journey doesn't stop. Now is the time you make this a sustainable lifestyle. Your work isn't done and now is when you start reinforcing and building on the lessons you've learned and let it become second nature. This phase last months and even years.

Looks Like: Creating an identity around food that supports your life, Intuitively knowing what your body needs from your training and food choices. When its harder to skip your workout than actually do it.

You can really apply these 3 phases to anything in life. It applies across the board.

Take relationships for example. At the beginning its all smiles, rainbows, cupcakes and love. Then you hit some bumps and you have to make choices in how you're going to navigate the relationship going forward. Some quit, some learn the lessons and continue on. No right or wrong (sometimes you have to quit and move on and repeat the cycle.)

Many will master the results of that work and deepen their connection over years, decades and a lifetime.

Once you become a master you typically venture back into a beginner in some other way.

The work never ends, but that's the beauty of life. Circumstances, relationships, health are all cyclical and we keep growing!

Enjoy the journey!

That's all for this week.


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