It’s what you THINK you know that may be hurting you
We all have a story.
We are all doing our best with what we know and believe to be true. It makes sense that if we are striving for something better in ANY area of our life then we have to be willing to THINK and BELIEVE something better than what we currently do. The thinking and actions that got you here wont get you to where you're going. Your belief on how to make the changes may be the exact reasons you're not making the progress you'd like.
For example, for years I beat myself up on whether or not I could stay "ripped" or on a "diet". I thought to myself "I'm the pro here, I'm supposed to have my shit together and look a certain way and eat a certain way." I thought if I strayed from my "diet" then I was undisciplined, not motivated, and not a good example. I'd have guilt that because I ate the damn pizza and now I couldn't see my abs I'd F'd up. If I ate too much one day then I'd sabotage everything I did to get to where I was. That was the mindset that was making my decisions. That was the mindset that was carrying me forward throughout my day. That was the mindset that was breeding unsustainable behavior. That was the mindset that was making me feel sick. It wasn't serving me. It was restricting me and how I wanted my life to look and feel. That mindset wasn't healthy and that mindset wasn't going to be true if i wanted to move forward. It may sound silly to some who don't view it this way. But I KNOW there are plenty of people who still do.
Who still believe the only way they can love themselves is if they are in the gym everyday. Who still believe there self worth comes from having abs or not having abs. Who believe if they just exercise MORE then they'll lose all the weight. Who neglect other basic needs because "grinding" is the only way to get things done.
I'm here to tell you from experience friend, that there is no glory in suffering for what you want. You don't have to. You do however have to be willing to try something different, believe something better and invest into thinking bigger than you have.
What is something you have struggled with in the past that you still have trouble navigating through?