Choosing Progress Over Perfection: The Art of Not Being Perfect For a Perfect Life

"Progress is being aware when there is a storm happening inside of you and remaining calm as it passes by." - Yung Pueblo

News Flash: There is no such thing as perfect. 

Perfection implies completion and from where I stand nothing is ever done until we take our last breath. 

Your fitness and health journey are no exception. Stop striving to be perfect and instead strive for progress.

You won't be perfect with your diet.
You won't be perfect with your training.
You won't be perfect journaling and meditating.

Your insistence that everything should be easier than it is and that your a fuck up is what is what is causing your imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome: "I don't know what I'm doing, I suck and its only a matter of time before everybody else knows it."

Believe it or not, this is normal. 

When you are pushing yourself outside your comfort zone you will begin to wonder if you actually deserve it.

I recently experienced this myself. This past week I met a mentor of mine for the first time in person. I have learned so much from him about business, coaching, fitness, metabolism, health and life. When he agreed to meet me for coffee I was pretty excited!

"Hell yeah, this has been 6 years in the making. I'm so honored!" I said to myself.

In the same moment I also thought "shit, what the hell do I have to offer the conversation? Why would he bother meeting with me? This won't be worth his time."

Our brains are funny like that aren't they? One moment we are happy and excited the next we are unworthy and anxious. 

We all get a choice. Step into the excitement of growth and evolution or retreat back into comfort and familiarity of safety.

Perception and perspective are key.

The next time you notice the self-doubt on whether or not you are worthy, or whether or not you can do it (stick to the diet, training, habits) remind yourself of this quote:

"Whether you think you can or you can't, you are right."

It' all a choice. 

"But Alex, I've been trying for years. I REALLY can't do it."


You can't do it yet.  Remind yourself that you can do it, you will do just haven't yet. 

"I'm not good enough" turns into "I'm not good enough...yet."
"I'm not in good shape" turns into "I'm not in good shape...yet"
"I'm not able to do it" turns into " I'm not able to do it...yet."

Reframe your thoughts and reframe what is possible and always remember...You've got this!

Enjoy your week!

If you are looking to lose 10-50 lbs or get in better shape over the next 3-6 months then consider scheduling a call with me and we can discuss if you are a good fit. You can schedule a call here or check out my coaching options below.



Time for Health: Structuring Your Life for Fitness Success


How to Change Your Health and Fitness: Lessons From Bullies, Effort Paradox and More.