Breaking Free From Your Costliest Mistake
The costliest belief you have is that all of the things outside of your control are the reason you are unfit, unhappy, unhealthy, unwell.
You give all your power and blame to something else and you absolve yourself of extreme ownership.
Which is what is needed to make change.
And here's the thing...You are probably right!
You probably did grow up with a bad relationship with food
You probably do have kids that hate certain foods
You probably don't have a lot of extra time
You probably do have a really busy job
But these beliefs aren't helping you.
These beliefs are costing you, big time!
The date you didn't go on because you didn't have confidence
The dream beach vacation because you don't like your waist line
The memories you didn't take because you're "ugly" in pictures.
The hikes you skip because you aren't strong and healthy
Next time you create a "reason" to NOT hit the gym, meal prep, plan your week
Remember what it is costing you, and is it worth the price to stay mediocre?
What To Do Instead.
You have to be willing to leave your victim mentality. I say this with real compassion because the last thing I ever want to do is invalidate anybody's experience.
But if you want to change, you have to let go of the power these stories have over you.
This is the first step.
Let go of who or what hurt you. This doesn't have to mean you forget, it just means you're releasing the death grip it has on your evolution as a human.
You want to lose weight but won't release the story that the "clean plate club means your a good boy"
Well that is going to be a problem.
Next, you have to re-write the story.
In the past you had to finish your food to be validated, but now you can choose to look at food as a source of nourishment. Energy. Something that sustains you and helps you feel good! Not fill a void.
This can be difficult and will take constant reminding, but it is the path to creating new meaning.
Over time your experience will begin to validate your new story. You'll look and feel amazing. You won't have to remind yourself of what food does for you, you will be a walking billboard for its positive effects.
Committing to this practice of re-writing the meaning around the stories in your life is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
Commit to this over the next 30 days and see what progress you make. Realize that it is a lifetime of work and that it may always be a practice.
But enjoy the process and what you learn along the way.
I promise, you will be much better off for it.