Can You Lose Weight and Drink Alcohol? Here’s What to Know
Summer is coming and for many that means more social gatherings, boating, pool days, beach days and parties.
For many that also means more alcohol.
When consuming alcohol while also trying to lose weight or get in better shape it is important to understand the nuanced relationship.
Impact on Metabolism.
Alcohol is recognized by the body as a poison and because of this digestion and absorption of nutrients from food as will be put aside while it metabolizes alcohol instead. So be mindful of that food you eat while drinking, even if healthy, will not be digested and stored properly while your body works through the alcohol. So yes, even chicken and veggies may be more easily stored as fat while drinking.
Behavioral Considerations.
For many, alcohol will simply lower discipline and inhibitions making it difficult to not overeat or choose options that align with your goals. This can happen even with very little alcohol so it is important to understand your unique physiology with this. Are you the kind of person who can have a drink and say no to the bottomless chips and salsa? or are you the opposite? It the latter, it may be best to stay away from it while trying to lose weight.
Best Kinds of Alcohol.
There is a lot debate amongst people on which is the "best" option here. But when it comes to alcohol your basically just picking your poison. In context of your fat loss goals, the alcohol with the least amount of calories will be ideal. Dry wines, light beers and mixed drinks that use a low calorie mixer. Each person will differ in how they are affected by each of these options so it is important to understand your own unique physiology.
Other Considerations.
On one level alcohol is simply calories. So it is fair to say that you can budget calories to include alcohol. For context protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram, fat has 9 calories per gram and alcohol has 7 making alcohol almost as calorie dense as fat. This makes it very easy for calories to pile up. Also, if you are on a 2000 calorie "diet" and you budget 600 calories for alcohol then those are 600 nutrient dense calories that your body needs, that it isn't getting.
In short, yes you can lose weight while enjoying alcohol. The key here is knowing a things about yourself.
1. How alcohol affects hunger and cravings.
2. Not drinking often or regularly. More than once or twice a week may keep your body from absorbing proper nutrients and also managing overall calories.
3. How alcohol affects other choices (food, sleep,etc) that could directly or indirectly affect fat loss.
Hope this gives you some insight and things to consider while trying to achieve your fat loss goals.
Enjoy your week.