96% of ALL Diets FAIL Within 2 Years.
This is a big problem.
Almost 70% of American adults are overweight or obese and there are no signs of slowing down.
This is a very big problem.
On some level you probably already know this. Just look around you. There is no hiding from it.
Maybe this sounds familiar,
You notice you've gained 30 lbs. in the last 2 years.
Life, kids schedules, work, the pandemic made it difficult. You come to the realization that its time to focus on YOU for once. You decide to hire a coach or trainer or maybe you’re feeling extra motivated and decide to do it yourself. Either way, you get a grocery list, meal plan and training regimen and you plan to start Monday. You are super pumped because the excitement of finally getting your health in order is going to happen!
You begin meeting a trainer twice a week with the perfect training, meal plan, you think "how can I fail?"
You bust your ass with your coach and you’re hitting the gym three times a week outside your sessions.
Two weeks ago you were on the couch ordering pizza from Door Dash and now you are exercising 5x a week and eating healthy.
You feel amazing! You are down 10 pounds in 2 weeks and the sky feels like the limit! SUCCESS.
Week 4 comes along and on this Monday morning the alarm is more annoying than inspiring. You wake up tired, sore and less than motivated. You get to the gym to get your workout in but its less than great. Your trainer notices and reassures you that there are good days and bad days but you leave feeling more worn out than when you got there.
The day goes on and not even the extra caffeine will help give you that boost. Lunch comes around and the office bought pizza for lunch. Feeling exhausted and having had your fair share of chicken and broccoli the last 3 weeks you decide one piece wont hurt. So you have 1 which turns into 4 and now you feel stuffed, bloated and with less energy than before. Your cravings are now rampant because of your highly palatable lunch. You get home for the evening and decide to order out but it’ll be an hour before it gets there so you spend that time snacking until your food gets there. At this point you are full, uncomfortable but dinner just arrived so you better eat that too.
You experience enough shame and guilt that you decide to skip your next workout because you slept like shit and feel worse than you did yesterday.
A week goes by and after sitting in self-pity you decide to get back to the gym, slash your calories and are back on track.
Except now your cravings are worse than before and your energy and mood are not only unstable but also unpredictable.
You get through the day, tired, sore, hungry, but also feeling bloated and restless. Your partner hints at a some “sexy time” before bed but you feel too gross and uncomfortable to be touched. You go to sleep isolated, stuck and frustrated with your diet, health and now life.
Repeat on and off with minimal to no success over a lifetime.
This should scare the shit out of you.
The solution is actually very simple. So simple that you’ve convinced yourself that it can’t be this simple, so you make it incredibly hard.
The Answer: The Basics.
Yes, it’s true.
Do the basics.
Do them daily.
Do them efficiently.
Do them consistently.
Do them well.
You may be thinking; Are you kidding me?! I do the basics and am still out of shape and overweight.
If you are doing everything right and not seeing results then you are not doing everything right.
Because if you were, you’d at least be in average shape (not average by societies standards)
What is average?
Healthy body composition
Healthy blood labs
Healthy biofeedback signals
Ironically, being average makes you lightyears ahead of many people today.
Achieving a healthy baseline is what this course will help you do.
My name is Alex Cook and for the last 14 years I’ve helped hundreds of people make meaningful change in their life and fitness by simplifying a healthy lifestyle.
In short, people come to me when they are stuck.
As you can see from the pictures below it has been a process. In fact, at one point I was 40 lbs. heavier, on anti-depressants and lacked confidence and purpose. It took me a while to break out of my shell but it all started with the basics of exercise. To this day, I do the basics consistently.
Today, I am happy, healthy, have traveled the world and run an online coaching business where I have helped people from all over the world. It started with a decision to choose better.
Who Am I?
It’s time to get
Back to Basics
This course will educate you on 3 Basic Pillars:
-The best kind of workouts for building muscle and shredding fat.
-Identify the key components of getting a great and effective workout.
-6 weeks of follow along workouts to do anywhere.
By the end of the course you will be able to exercise in a way that helps you burn fat, build muscle without spending hours in the gym.
-Learn how many calories you should be consuming for fat loss or building muscle.
-The right amount of protein, carbs, fats to reach your goals.
-Food list identifying the best proteins, carbs and fats for managing hunger and cravings.
By the end of the course you will know how many calories, and what kind of calories you should be eating to look and feel amazing.
-Managing your daily, weekly and monthly schedule for success.
-Stress management techniques to get the most out of your training, diet and recovery.
-The importance of movement and water in your results and health.
By the end of the course you will be able to blend diet and exercise into an effortless lifestyle based on your unique likes and dislikes. You will have mastered the basics of building great health and habits that work for YOU.
Real People.
Real Changes.
"Success is built upon the rock-solid foundation of mastering the basics."
- John Wooden
I will be 100% honest with you. This course isn’t groundbreaking. This information might not even be anything new. However, it will be put together in a way that will allow you to digest and implement without confusion. It will give you the structure you have been lacking.
The truth is that nothing ever changes until you have built a solid foundation for all other actions and behaviors to build off of. Until you’ve mastered these simple, yet life changing aspects of fitness you will continue to be frustrated.
At this point you can continue to search for supplements, bio-hacks, surgeries or clothes to try and cover up your “on and off” relationship with fitness….
Or you can decide that for the cost of an appetizer, burger and beer you can figure this out once and for all.
It's Time.
It's Time.
This course will guide you through the basics of food, exercise and lifestyle to establish foundational health and fitness. Whether you're new to developing and healthy lifestyle or tried for decades, this will help you master the basics of creating a leaner, healthier, stronger body.