I never post shirtless pictures on social media, but wanted to share a little bit about my journey over the past 6 months … I made a commitment 6 months ago to change my heath. I knew I couldn’t do it alone, so asked for help. I hired what I originally thought was a personal trainer and got out of it a personal trainer, nutritionist, workout planner, well-being coach, therapist and friend. Thank you Alex Cook! The last 6 months have been about just a few key changes - more water, periodic workouts, and more movement - and has resulted in losing 24lbs and 9 inches in my waist/hips. All while simply being more aware of what and how much I ate. My getting healthy goal does not stop here, but I now have the tools necessary and cannot wait to see what the next 6 months bring! If I can do it, you can do it … just take that first step and ask for help! You won’t go wrong with Alex Cook!!!