My name is Alex Cook
Over the last 14 years I have helped hundreds of people transform their life through fitness and lifestyle creation so that the can live with more energy, strength, clarity and fulfillment!
Sound good to you? Great!
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What We Help You Accomplish
Lose Weight Efficiently: Discover a streamlined approach to weight loss that fits perfectly into your hectic schedule, no matter where you are in the world.
Travel Smart, Travel Fit: Imagine embarking on your next adventure not just as a traveler, but as a healthier, more vibrant version of yourself, ready to explore without limits.
For the Busy Pro: Tailored for those with a fast-paced life, this program ensures you can manage your time effectively, making fitness and health a seamless part of your routine.
Energy Unleashed: Boost your energy levels so that by the end of the day, you're not just surviving your schedule, but thriving through it with vitality to spare.
Strength Beyond the Gym: Gain not just physical strength, but the mental fortitude that comes with knowing you can push your limits, whether in the gym or climbing a mountain.
Confidence Redefined: Step into any room or onto any stage with the unwavering confidence that comes from loving the person you see in the mirror.
Motivation That Lasts: We'll ignite a fire within you that turns motivation into a daily habit, ensuring your journey towards health is not just a phase, but a lifestyle change.
Transform Anywhere: With our mobile-first approach, your fitness journey doesn’t pause when you hit the road; it adapts and evolves with your travels.
Community Support: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are not just chasing fitness goals but are redefining what it means to live fully in every aspect of life.
Lifetime of Change: This isn't just about losing weight; it's about equipping you with the tools to manage time, boost energy, and maintain motivation for a healthier, more confident life wherever your travels take you.

I Get it. Change is HARD.
What Makes Me Equipped to Help You?
The truth is, talk is cheap. I get that. So let me introduce myself. My name is Alex Cook and for the last 14 years I’ve worked with hundreds of people helping them transform their lives and health for the better. I practice what I preach…but it hasn’t always been easy for me.
I haven’t always been this happy, fulfilled or healthy for that matter. To make a long story short, almost 10 years ago I spent 4 days in the hospital fighting for my life. My kidneys were failing as I sat in bed and listened to the priest read to me. It was safe to say they thought I wasn’t going to be there a 5th day. I left there with no answers but a new found appreciation for life (as you so often here after such scares.)
Except I really meant it. I became obsessed with finding, crafting and developing new ways to be “healthy”. You see I realized to reach real physical health it started on the inside. Health wasn’t just how lean and athletic you are but also where your actions and choices are coming from mentally and emotionally. This journey led me to re-create my life in every way possible.
I lost excess bodyfat, completely revamped my coaching from in-person to online so that it aligned with my values of time and location freedom. I sold my house in 2021, packed my Jeep and left the only place I’d ever lived. I traveled for almost 3 years until finally settling where I currently live in Asheville, NC.
I’ve stepped into the unknown and rediscovered and recreated the parts of my life that were most important to me.
and I am teaching others to do the same.
The people I’ve worked with have:
-Found their dream job
-Moved across the country
-Lost anywhere from 15-100lbs
-Have more energy to play with kids
-Taken dream vacations
-Revolutionized their companies direction with new inventions
-Seen their whole family get healthier
-Improve relationships with family and friends
-Find dream partner
-Lost weight when doctors said it wasn’t possible because of medications and illness.

Sounds good, but can you help me?
The people below represent just a fraction of the people who I’ve worked with who were lost, confused and overwhelmed with where to start. They are also successful in business and work, ambitious, motivated, and wanting to elevate their health, life, purpose and relationships.
Some of these people are lawyers, real estate agents, pharmacist, doctors, business owners, executives, CEO’s. Some are also husbands, fathers, mothers, daughters, sons. They were ALL looking to make meaningful change in their lives and knew it started with a choice. To say YES to the next level. These people are YOU.
I've been crying this morning....
It didn't have to do with a book or sad movie - it had to do with me reflecting on my incredible journey with my trainer Alex Cook. He has shown me things in myself that I never thought were possible...to view myself in a positive manner, to make that extra effort to achieve my personal goals, to count my blessings and not my shortcomings (typically this is where I would use humor to point out my faults, but not today). I have to admit, I haven't always been on board with what he has been trying to teach and share with me. As a matter of fact, there have been times I have outright dug my heels in, afraid of change. I have been afraid to make a shift in my life, steadfast in habits that I've developed over these many years. Early on, I only saw Alex as someone who was just going to help me lose weight (which is 90 lbs), thinking that was going to make me the most happiest person. But you know what, that isn't true. He has been a teacher, coach, mentor and most important, a friend. I was reflecting on how he has stayed by side even though I wasn't playing nice in the sand box. He hasn't bitched at me or walked away and allowed me to fail. That is not him. He has taken me by the hand (figuratively) and guided me with words of wisdom that has been pointing me in a direction that I could not find for myself. He has continued to encourage me to look at things in a new light and motivate me in times when I've lost sight of who I am and where I want to journey. Perhaps I never knew in the first place - and I've been traveling through my life with blinders on, doing what society expected. In short, he has opened a new world to me and I am so very grateful. The tears and snot continue to run down my face as I type this, but that is because my emotions and thankfulness cannot be contained...and all I can say is
Thank you Alex
I never post shirtless pictures on social media, but wanted to share a little bit about my journey over the past 6 months
I made a commitment 6 months ago to change my heath. I knew I couldn’t do it alone, so asked for help. I hired what I originally thought was a personal trainer and got out of it a personal trainer, nutritionist, workout planner, well-being coach, therapist and friend. Thank you Alex Cook!
The last 6 months have been about just a few key changes - more water, periodic workouts, and more movement - and has resulted in losing 24lbs and 9 inches in my waist/hips. All while simply being more aware of what and how much I ate.
My getting healthy goal does not stop here, but I now have the tools necessary and cannot wait to see what the next 6 months bring!
If I can do it, you can do it … just take that first step and ask for help! You won’t go wrong with Alex Cook!!!
I couldn’t have done it without your support, knowledge and experiences that you shared with me. Your guidance and care showed in every step of the way.
You have a gift.
I told you, you can only see the tip of the iceberg on the work you do. The domino effect is still unbelievable.
Through your coaching, I not only achieved my fitness goals, but I surpassed them. I grew so much as a person and so did my entire family, friends and many others around me.
When I started this journey a year ago, I never dreamed to be where I am today ….so thank you!
Alex, the story you described is the stories I used to read and hope it was mine….today it’s mine and I know the SKY IS THE LIMIT
… that’s how I truly feel today …that is all thanks to you!
Thank you, Alex
Once in a while you meet someone who is able to inspire you the way Alex does!
I started training with Alex having no experience with fitness/working out...my first day, I joked saying "I want to lose 50 pounds" I didn't believe it would ever happen (I've always been the chubby girl) Alex taught me all about what I could do, taught me the things I need to be eating, and what limits I could push myself to! In 9 months I lost 50 pounds! He was my coach, my therapist, my champion when I was down! In many ways my best friend! He pushed me, never let me give up! To this day I know I can call him anytime and he will be there for me! He has seen me through my toughest times! So yes sometimes you meet someone who is a game changer, that's Alex!
I was looking for a personal trainer to hold me accountable and provide guidance in dieting and workouts. Alex has done that in the best possible way. He is professional and excellent at what he does and Alex helped me take on meaningful life change as to healthy habits in many areas of life. He is highly recommended!
Working with Alex was a completely life-changing experience to say the least. Not only is he very knowledgeable in the industry of health and fitness, but he also helped exercise both my emotional and spiritual muscles. I could not have chosen a better person to walk with me in my journey and transformation in becoming the best version of myself. If you seek someone to guide you and give you a high level of inner strength to be your best self-look no further because Alex does just that and is phenomenal at it
Alex is the best!
He not only that knows exactly what you need but also listens to how you feel and what you want. He's training program made a huge difference in my son's and my life. We now have completely different views on how to eat and exercise, and how to listen to our bodies.
With Alex's help and guidance I lost 40lb and gained a huge amount of energy just by learning about myself, following a simple diet (eating all the foods I like), and working out a light to moderate exercise routine.
It's been an awesome journey and I'm very grateful that I met Alex. He's amazing!
Thank you for everything! We'll be friends for ever!
Before the pandemic I weighed 246lbs, and I knew that I had to make a change or wouldn't be around to accomplish any of my dreams. I reached out to Alex, and over the next 6 months he showed me what foods I should eat and why. He showed me how to exercise effectively and make it a part of my everyday life. He taught me a lot of life skills that I can not only apply to a diet but to my everyday life and dreams. I've lost 26lbs, and thanks to him I have a newfound hope, perspective, and joy. If you're looking to make a change like I was give Alex a try. I promise you that you won't be disappointed. Thankful and happy is what you'll be!!!
Alex has been such an incredible source of knowledge and support since our very first zoom meeting.
Initially, one of the things that impressed me the most was that Alex really took the time to gain a deep understanding of my habits and lifestyle. He answered every single one of my questions, laid out what to expect from him and then created a program that was tailored exactly to my goals and abilities at the time.
It’s been almost 5 months since I started training with Alex, and since then I’ve experienced such an enormous change in not just physical appearance, but in my own perseverance and self-growth.
It truly feels like Alex and I are a team and with his training and guidance, I've been able to build a stronger self than I ever thought was possible.
From the moment I met Alex , I knew he was a person that could help me achieve new goals and also the one that would help change my life for the better. I started training with Alex last April. During the last 6 months I have been challenged and pushed by Alex, and he has taught me a great deal. He makes working out fun and inspires me to reach new goals.
I have been very impressed by Alex's passion to help clients, his knowledge, and his ability to connect with his clients.
Alex is very caring and attentive to what each client needs, what their limits are, and how far he can push them. He encourages and motivates me to do better, and yet he knows how much I am capable of. He deserves 5 out of 5 stars from me. I plan to continue to work with Alex.
I started working with Alex in October of 2022. Leading up to that time, I had everything I wanted in terms of marital status, family life, and friendships. There was one unhealthy relationship I did have, and that was with myself. I knew I needed to make some kind of change.
In the last 7 years I have become a mother, took on advancements in my career and began building a life with my husband. Along the way I lost track of my self worth and health. I was no longer concerned with what I ate or how much I exercised. I even stopped caring about how I looked. I did not realize that was impacting every relationship I had in my life.
My journey began with Alex in such a unique way that I had not anticipated or experienced in previous trainers.
We worked to really understand what motivates and inspires me. While helping me manage my emotions surrounding diet and exercise, he helped to build an ever changing roadmap to propel me towards a healthier life - in every way.
Every week we would dissect the current needs of my program and adjust accordingly. In just six months time I have been able to consistently exercise and maintain a reconstructed relationship with my food. I began to use Athletic Greens (AG1) as well which continues to show benefits.
Alex really took on the role of a life coach. There have been so many different aspects of my life that have benefited from my experience; my appearance, general mood, and overall health have improved and continue to do so. I have more control over my emotions and have more of an understanding of my own motivations and how decisions I make can, and do, impact the future. I felt like an actual person, allowed to make human mistakes and progress concurrently while understanding that it is part of the process.
If you are wanting a truly genuine and novel approach to wellness, Alex is your guy. I wish him all the best.
Working with Alex was awesome. After dieting and exercising for years, I felt like my relationship with disordered eating has been mended and I lost 17 lbs in the span of 6 months. More importantly though, through all the ups and downs, I felt like Alex was the best support system and constantly helping me combat negative thoughts and feelings that would hinder my process. I never felt judged by him, I would text him random thoughts and questions, we would plan out my meals before I went on trips, and have deep conversations about anything holding me back from my goals. I have nothing bad to say about my experience with him and I learned lessons that will stay with me forever. Even though we aren’t currently working together, I will probably work with him again in the future and I’m really excited about utilizing the tools I learned from him to reach more of my goals. Do yourself, your body, and your mind a favor and hire him!

How This Works
Weekly LIVE Coaching
All the information in the world is useless unless you know how to apply it. Each week you will have the opportunity to join up to 2 live coaching sessions PER WEEK. This will be a live coaching structure and available for all participants. During this time I will be available for questions, support, guidance and advice on where you need to focus and prioritize to maximize your results. From food and exercise to how to stay on track during your family vacation or 10-day business trip, you will be educated on the process so that when we are done working together you have an above average knowledge on how to navigate your own journey and build a lifestyle you can be proud of. These sessions will not be curriculum based meaning come ready with your most pressing questions, comments and notebook.
Expertise from the TOP Coaches in the Lifestyle and Wellness Industry
I have invested thousands of dollars and thousand of hours learning from some of the best coaches in the world. From mindset and brain health coaches to naturopathic physicians, integrative endocrinologist and nutrition coaches. I have invested in them to better help you. These professionals are to this day still resources I can count on for added support towards YOUR goals.
Personalized Training Regimen
My custom app is what I refer to as headquarters. Here you will access all custom made workouts, food guidelines, and “homework” assigned each week to help support your journey and growth process. All workouts will have everything you need to be successful from instructions and notes to video guidance on how to perform each movement safely to the amounts of sets, reps, weight and even rest periods.
Personalized Food Guidelines
We all know the importance food plays in our health. Here you will learn the importance that proteins, carbs, fats, fiber and water play on YOUR goals and how to utilize them based on your unique preferences and likes. Using our Meal Plan section you can enter and log your food for extra support and guidance along the way for support and accountability.
Within the app we share a community chat where we can send updates on our progress, support each other and connect further outside of our weekly calls. You can also use this space for questions for the group and coach.
On occasion there will be the option for in-person retreats and meetups. Live Free members and alumni will have first access to them when available at a special price.
Cool, So What’s the Cost?
Money is another deep-rooted story, we all share. As soon as the idea of money is brought into a conversation a whole list of assumptions and deep-seated stories emerge. Is it worth? Will I get what I need from this? What else could my money buy me? etc.
I get it. I have been in the same boat. But those are the wrong questions. It’s not “What is this going to cost me if I do this?” The right question is, “What am I going to lose if I miss this opportunity?”
Imagine you keep doing everything the same. You keep thinking, feeling and acting from the same stories you always have? What are you going to get? The same stuck emotions, patterns and recurrent obstacles of course. The same struggle bus you’ve been on.
The reason your life is getting no better has nothing to do with how hard you are working. You can drive harder and faster than ever, but if you are operating from the wrong assumptions, that’s just moving you further from your goals at a faster rate. What you’re losing is not just money. You are losing time. Most importantly you are bleeding out your life blood, your purpose. Each day is another day closer to our last one. We are not getting any younger.
If I went through the years of personal experience, failures, trial and error, college, courses, webinars, training, coaches, retreats, online courses, books, videos, masterminds I estimate I’ve spent right at $100k. It has also cost me almost 20 years of experience.
But what I have in return is priceless because I am literally living my dream life. I have love, peace, acceptance in my heart and for that I couldn’t be happier.
What will it cost you? Well definitely not 100k or 20 years. In fact it wont even cost 50k or 10 years. The cost is $1,800 for 3 months,$3,000 for 6 months or $5,000 for 1 year.
That’s it.
Choose Your Mission
Tier 1
3 Months Paid In Full
Tier 2
6 Month Paid In Full
($600 savings)
Tier 3
12 Month Paid In Full
($2,200 savings)

Also Included at NO Extra Cost
-Meal Plan and Grocery List Specific to Your Macro Needs. ($1500 value)
-App Support Throughout the Duration of Our Coaching ($1500 value)
-Shared VISION CREATOR Guide to Create and Craft a Real Vision for Your Future ($499 value)
-Limited Access to Training App, Workouts, Food Guidelines After Coaching Concludes ($180 /year value)
-Weekly Recap Guide for Accountability and Support ($99 value)
-Shared Resource Guide w/Supplement List, Books, Videos, for Extra Support and Learning ($99 value)
-Plug and Play Cheat Sheet For Creating Your OWN Workouts So You Know EXACTLY What to Do After Our Coaching is Complete ($99 value)
-Free What to Know About Mindful Eating E-book on Quickly Creating the Last Diet You’ll Ever Need ($20 value)
-Tools to Measure and Track Bodyfat for Accountability ($15 value)
$4,000 Value For Free
In Person Weekend. Taos, NM
I get on 10-15 calls a week connecting with new prospective clients. This coaching will be limited to only those who are a great fit!
“If you want something you’ve never had, you have to be willing to do something you’ve never done.” -Thomas Jefferson
So there is only one more thing for you to do now. You can make a choice to keep suffering through the same confusion, frustration, low energy, constant anxiety, unhealthy habits.
Or, you can take a new step into a new direction. Remember, nothing new happens in the familiar comfort zone. To create something new, you must do something new.
That’s the first step to recreating yourself and changing everything.
Choose Your Mission
Tier 1
3 Months Paid in Full
Tier 2
6 Month Paid In Full
($330 savings)
Tier 3
12 Month Paid In Full
($1660 savings)
How long is the LIVE FREE Lifestyle program?
This coaching is a 3-12 month commitment.
How many times do we meet?
Each week we will do 2 LIVE Zoom coaching sessions. During this time we will go through the most pressing questions you have from the week and dive deep into your plan. We will use this time to go through what’s working and what’s not working, homework and reflect on the previous week so that we can project towards the following weeks goals. You will also have the support and access to the other group members for added support and connection. Strength in numbers!
Do you meet in person?
No. On occasion there will be in-person days or weekends offered as a separate experience.
When are the calls each week? What If I can’t make them?
Calls are Monday evening and Thursday morning/afternoon. Subject to change, times TBD
How does this differ from personal training?
With this coaching program you will learn to be self sufficient in running your own health and life. You will have learned how to create the proper eating and exercise habits along with developing a mindset for success and the habits to align with the person you are creating. All keeping in mind your unique psychological and physiological preferences. With most personal trainers you will be taught the basics and fundamentals of exercising towards a specific physical goal and not the sustainable lifestyle needed to endure any long term changes.
What happens after our coaching?
Once you have completed our coaching you will have the opportunity to go into the alumni coaching program where you will continue to have access to all workouts, resources, and tools from our coaching, or you can opt into my 1:1 space or simply renew at your current coaching.
How much is this investment in myself?
This commitment to yourself is as little as $1800 for 3 months or $5,000 for a full year!