Transformative Lifestyle Coaching

Who is This For?

The truth is this community coaching is NOT for everybody. The people who will thrive in this will be people who are:

  • Willing to be held accountable and self starters looking for guidance.

  • Understand the value of growing together.

  • Willing to learn and make REAL change long term.

  • NOT looking for short cuts.

  • Coachable and generous in seeing everyone “win”.

  • Looking to FINALLY create a way of eating, exercising and living your life in a way that provides energy, nourishment, fulfillment and fun.


When You Get Started.

Here is what you can expect


Transformative Lifestyle Coaching

  • Custom Training Regimen

    My custom app is what I refer to as headquarters. Here you will access all custom made workouts, food guidelines, and “homework” assigned each week to help support your journey and growth process. All workouts will have everything you need to be successful from instructions and notes to video guidance on how to perform each movement safely to the amounts of sets, reps, weight and even rest periods.

  • Weekly Coaching Sessions

    All the information in the world is useless unless you know how to apply it. Every week we will sit down for a 60-minute Zoom coaching session where we will dive deep into the makeup of a healthy lifestyle. From food and exercise to how to stay on track during your family vacation or 10-day business trip, you will be educated on the process so that when we are done working together you have an above average knowledge on how to navigate your own journey and build a lifestyle you can be proud of. These sessions will be a live coaching structure and not curriculum based meaning come ready with your most pressing questions, comments and notebook.

  • Custom Meal and Food Guidelines

    We all know the importance food plays in our health. Here you will learn the importance that proteins, carbs, fats, fiber and water play on YOUR goals and how to utilize them based on your unique preferences and likes. Using our Meal Plan section you can enter and log your food for extra support and guidance along the way for support and accountability.

  • Expertise from the TOP Coaches in the Lifestyle and Wellness Industry

    I have invested thousands of dollars and thousand of hours learning from some of the best coaches in the world. From mindset and brain health coaches to naturopathic physicians, integrative endocrinologist and nutrition coaches. I have invested in them to better help you. These professionals are to this day still resources I can count on for added support towards YOUR goals. The combo of resources will be plenty to help you on your journey.

  • Interactive Community of Support

    They say there is strength in numbers and I agree! Each person I work with is gathered into an interactive community where we can celebrate wins, chat through struggles, share resources and offer encouragement as well as support during this process.


You aren’t the only person who has had doubts or fears around investing yourself and making REAL change in your life. I commonly hear:

  • “I don’t have the money and I can’t afford this.”

  • “I’ll check back in with you at a later time.”

  • “I need someone in person to help show me the movements.”

  • “I’m going to try it on my own and get back to you if it doesn’t work.”

  • “Let me check with my spouse.“


The truth is I speak with a LOT of people every week who are hoping to make meaningful changes in their life. I don’t work with everyone I speak with and am very selective with the people I allow into my environment. This has to be a good fit for BOTH of us.

I urge you to think about why you want to do this. Why is this time different than all the other times you’ve tried? In this LIVE FREE Lifestyle Coaching we want people who are 100% ready to go from the start and are fully committed. People who are coachable, willing to learn, open minded and realize the importance of investing in themselves and their health.

If you are not willing to FULLY COMMIT, INVEST IN YOURSELF, AND SHOW UP please do not take a spot;

To Those Who ARE Ready?

Here is a little bit of what you can expect from current and past clients.

  • Michael

    I was looking for a personal trainer to hold me accountable and provide guidance in dieting and workouts. Alex has done that in the best possible way. He is professional and excellent at what he does and Alex helped me take on meaningful life change as to healthy habits in many areas of life. He is highly recommended!

  • Elizabeth

    Alex has been such an incredible source of knowledge and support since our very first zoom meeting.

    Initially, one of the things that impressed me the most was that Alex really took the time to gain a deep understanding of my habits and lifestyle. He answered every single one of my questions, laid out what to expect from him and then created a program that was tailored exactly to my goals and abilities at the time.

    It’s been almost 5 months since I started training with Alex, and since then I’ve experienced such an enormous change in not just physical appearance, but in my own perseverance and self-growth.

    It truly feels like Alex and I are a team and with his training and guidance, I've been able to build a stronger self than I ever thought was possible.

  • Missy

    Once in a while you meet someone who is able to inspire you the way Alex does!

    I started training with Alex having no experience with fitness/working first day, I joked saying "I want to lose 50 pounds" I didn't believe it would ever happen (I've always been the chubby girl) Alex taught me all about what I could do, taught me the things I need to be eating, and what limits I could push myself to! In 9 months I lost 50 pounds! He was my coach, my therapist, my champion when I was down! In many ways my best friend! He pushed me, never let me give up! To this day I know I can call him anytime and he will be there for me! He has seen me through my toughest times! So yes sometimes you meet someone who is a game changer, that's Alex!

  • Sue

    From the moment I met Alex , I knew he was a person that could help me achieve new goals and also the one that would help change my life for the better. I started training with Alex last April. During the last 6 months I have been challenged and pushed by Alex, and he has taught me a great deal. He makes working out fun and inspires me to reach new goals.

    I have been very impressed by Alex's passion to help clients, his knowledge, and his ability to connect with his clients.

    Alex is very caring and attentive to what each client needs, what their limits are, and how far he can push them. He encourages and motivates me to do better, and yet he knows how much I am capable of. He deserves 5 out of 5 stars from me. I plan to continue to work with Alex.

  • Corina

    Alex is the best!

    He not only that knows exactly what you need but also listens to how you feel and what you want. He's training program made a huge difference in my son's and my life. We now have completely different views on how to eat and exercise, and how to listen to our bodies.

    With Alex's help and guidance I lost 40lb and gained a huge amount of energy just by learning about myself, following a simple diet (eating all the foods I like), and working out a light to moderate exercise routine.

    It's been an awesome journey and I'm very grateful that I met Alex. He's amazing!

    Thank you for everything! We'll be friends for ever!

  • Willie

    Before the pandemic I weighed 246lbs, and I knew that I had to make a change or wouldn't be around to accomplish any of my dreams. I reached out to Alex, and over the next 6 months he showed me what foods I should eat and why. He showed me how to exercise effectively and make it a part of my everyday life. He taught me a lot of life skills that I can not only apply to a diet but to my everyday life and dreams. I've lost 26lbs, and thanks to him I have a newfound hope, perspective, and joy. If you're looking to make a change like I was give Alex a try. I promise you that you won't be disappointed. Thankful and happy is what you'll be!!!



This Transformative Lifestyle Coaching is a 6 month commitment designed to help you create a healthy life on all levels. From habit, mindset, stress management, food, exercise and lifestyle; this coaching aims to provide value, support, accountability, structure and the tools to thrive in all areas of your life.



Paid in Full

This is a one time lump sum payment with no re-occurring charges.


Payment Plan

This is a recurring monthly payment for a total of 6 months. Total after 6 months is $7500


I Get it. Change is HARD.

What Makes Me equipped to Help You?

The truth is, we do not know each other and even if we have met or know each other on some level, there is definitely more we don’t know about one another compared to what we do know. I am not going to go on about how many people I have helped (though it is in the hundreds) or how I’ve been doing this longer than the college kid at the gym. What I do have is a personal story which has lead me here to you and you to me and more specifically this page.

I haven’t always been in good shape and have not always been in good health. In fact, in high school I was almost 220 lbs. and for context I am only 5’7”. This wasn’t a ripped muscular build and not exactly the kind of weight you want on a frame that small. Anyway, how I looked at and felt in my body always had a negative impact on how I viewed myself as a person. In fact it had a cyclical approach to food and exercise. Some days I would be really “good” on my diet which in return gave me energy and confidence only to celebrate and “reward’ myself with an overabundance of food. This lead to the sluggish, overfed disgusting feeling that would more often lead to shame and guilt. As you may know shame and guilt aren’t typically the greatest motivators and so soon after my gym routine would suffer until I would hit the usual rock bottom and start all over. Back in the gym and back on a diet. I can honestly say this pattern went on for YEARS, even into the early stages of my professional career as a full'-time trainer and coach. In a society where you must look the part to be taken serious it affected my confidence in my work as a personal trainer early on in my career. Even though I eventually looked strong, lean and muscular it was precisely at that same time I was probably in the worst health of my life. In the summer of 2014 I spent 4 days in the hospital. With a 2014 degree fever my kidneys were failing, I was severely dehydrated, and couldn’t sit up without feeling like a knife was being pushed into the back of my head. I sat there for days as they ran test after test with no cause to be found. MRI’s, spinal taps, virus checks, blood test, etc.

All inconclusive.

This was a head scratcher to say the least. Fortunately after packing me in my hospital bed with ice like a fish at the market got my fever to break. They released me a day later with no answers.

I left the hospital scared, confused and not sure what had brought me there. I knew enough about my body though to know that something had to change.

In changing my habits I had to change my life and to change my life I had to change I how I viewed it, how I was participating in it. I had to change my habits, mindset and most of all…How I showed up for myself each day.

The truth was, I believe, was that years of binge eating, crash dieting, over exercising and the constant stress that was putting on my body was the cause of my little hospital visit.

It was then and there that I vowed to make a change for the better but not just for the short term. I was tired of going up and down in weight and up and down in emotions and self-confidence.

These changes weren’t going to come just in the weight room, on the scale or in the kitchen.

To be better I had to think better. This took me down a path of personal development. You may be thinking to yourself “ I read those books and I don’t have any mindset issues I just need to lose a few pounds”.

The truth is you have all the information in the world to help you get there. If that’s all you need then you can find that anywhere. It is more likely you have had some success in the past but never maintained it and have never kept the results you are going after.

I can tell you from experience it isn’t from a lack of knowledge rather a lack of knowing what to do with it. In many cases you have been sabotaging yourself this whole time without knowing it. It isn’t what you don’t know that hurts you, it is what you think you know that hurts you the most. This coaching is devised to help you navigate the very things you didn’t know were holding you back from the progress you deserve. I’ve been there myself. I was in my way for years. The dieting, stress, excessive exercise…only to find myself sick and overworked. Together we will bring awareness to the habits, mindset and behaviors that are helping and holding you back the most so that you can LIVE FREE of discomfort, pain, shame and guilt.

Together, ever forward.

$6500 or $1250/mo

Paid In Full or Monthly Payment



How long is the LIVE FREE Lifestyle Coaching Program?

This coaching is a 6 month commitment.

How many times do we meet?

Each week we will do a 60-minute zoom coaching session. During this time we will go through the most pressing questions you have from the week and dive deep into your plan. We will use this time to go through what’s working and what’s not working, homework and reflect on the previous week so that we can project towards the following weeks goals.

Do you meet in person?

To make the differences necessary for real change an in-person coach is NOT needed. Ultimately it depends on you and your ability to be coachable, willing to learn, take direction, take action and not make excuses. In the event that in-person retreats or meetups are offered you will have the first opportunity to attend.

When are the calls each week? What If I can’t make them?

Weekly calls will be flexible to accommodate your schedule as needed .

How does this differ from personal training?

With this coaching program you will learn to be self sufficient in running your own health and life. You will have learned how to create the proper eating and exercise habits along with developing a mindset for success and the habits to align with the person you are creating. All keeping in mind your unique psychological and physiological preferences. With most personal trainers you will be taught the basics and fundamentals of exercising towards a specific physical goal and not the sustainable lifestyle needed to endure any long term changes.

What happens after our coaching?

Once you have completed our coaching you will have the opportunity to go into the alumni coaching program where you will continue to have access to all workouts, resources, and tools from our 1:1 coaching.

How much is this investment in myself?

This commitment to yourself is $6500-$7500 USD.