6 Keys to Success in Your Health and Wellness.

  • 1. Set Yourself a Definitive Goal

    One of the many reasons you may not be progressing in your physical or health goals is that you're not clear on exactly what it is you want.

    Many want to "lose weight" or "be healthy" but what exactly does that mean?

    When pressed they often just want to feel better, but what does that look like?

    The more specific the better. The less clear you are on what you want the less clear itll be on how to get there and what the path looks like.

    Write it down, refer to it often. You may not be in the habit of trying to grow, evolve or change yourself. So keeping it close will be a reminder that this is important to you.

    Make it important. If its not important you won't do it. I was reminded recently that there's no such thing as lack of motivation rather its a lack of importance.

    What's a goal of yours right now? I'm here to support you in accomplishing it.

  • 2. Shift From Thinking of all the Reasons You Can't Be Successful, and Think of the Reasons You Can

    Our brains often go to safety mode and to keep us "safe" or "comfortable" in our current situation or circumstances. We will often look for reasons why "this time won't work" or "what's the point? I always mess up or fail" attitude.

    You may not be used to feeling amazing and healthy. Your body may be used to feeling low energy and like crap. Your brain will look for reasons to keep you where it is familiar even if it isn't comfortable.

    Instead, catch yourself and refer back to what you're intending to create. Refer back to the goal. Its a practice for sure and will feel uncomfortable but is arguably some of the most important work we can do to make changes in our health and/or life.

    Maybe you didn't get your workout in today but you walked 10-15k steps. WIN. That matters.

    Maybe you had that muffin you've been trying to avoid for breakfast but you at nutrient dense food the rest of the day and your caloric intake was on point. WIN. You proved to yourself you can eat a muffin and make progress.

    The decision to focus on what you did well instead of what you didn't do well can be the difference between falling off the wagon and instead improving.

    The point is go from "I messed up" to " this is what I've done well____."

    Patting yourself on the back may not feel comfortable for you, but if you aren't going to do it for yourself why would anyone do it for you?

    What are some of the negative thoughts that get into your head when you're attempting to make any positive change in your life?

  • 3. Quit Running Your Mental and Physical Capacity Down

    When you're physically unwell or exhausted your mental capacity for change often suffers and vice versa.

    Willpower can be depleted when faced with too many decisions, stress or lack of clarity. It can lead to the "F it mentality" when we are overwhelmed or even over stimulated.

    We can fortunately charge our "willpower battery" with mindfulness practice.

    So it makes sense that to make some real changes it is important to build your willpower by managing stress and decreasing things that deplete you.

    Some things we know to deplete us? Sleep deprivation, scrolling on phone/screen time, criticism of ourselves and others, negative emotion, lack of movement, poor diet.

    Things that may increase it? Gratitude, rest, acceptance, affection, reading (certain things), walks, time in nature, breathing, creative pursuits.

    The key is being aware what works and doesn't work for you. Pinpointing it and going to work on implementing or eliminating based on how you feel. Protecting your energy is one of the most important things you can do when making changes in your life and health.

    You know how it goes; you're tired and exhausted so you do what's convenient instead of what's required. Protect your energy.

    Ask yourself, how does this decision impact who I am, want to be, my effort tomorrow?

    Its hard to climb the mountain that is progress without the right tools and this is a big one.

    Do you find yourself spending more time depleting or energizing yourself based on the list above? Your motivation may be telling you all you need to know to answer this question.

  • 4. Trace the Ideas and Opinions on a Time When You Learned You CANNOT Be Successful

    Maybe you've tried and tried in the past. Lost a little weight, felt a little better but for whatever reason it never lasts. It is likely more than just not finding the right "diet".

    Self sabotage is a real thing and often it stems from learned behavior.

    Did you grow up hearing you were fat and not capable?

    Did you grow up being told don't bother you're not good enough?

    Did you grow up hearing you have bad genetics?

    Or a number of other things that gave you an identity you didn't ask for?

    Somewhere along the road you LEARNED that you weren't capable or worthy of being who it is you are destined to be. This pertains to our health as well.

    Take some time and think on it, write it out and get it out of your head (or heart) and onto some paper.

    From there you can CHANGE the image you have of yourself.

  • 5. Write Out Who it is You'd Like to Be

    This is the time to let go of what has been holding you back, you now get to decide right now going forward who you want to be and not who you've learned to be. This goes in all areas of our life but especially our health. This is more than a goal it is deciding what drives you, your thoughts opinions and feelings about your life.

    How do you want to show up for yourself?

    What do you value?

    How do you want to feel?

    Who are YOU?

    Listing out core values as a person and then breaking them down into daily habits can be hugely beneficial.

    For example maybe you value honesty so you decide that honesty with yourself and others is of utmost importance. You enforce it and demand it from others. You place boundaries around it. You learn more about what being honest really means and how to practice it.

    What are your core values and standards you live by and hold yourself to?

  • 6. Finally, Act the Part of the Successful Person You Have Decided to Become

    You know what you want,

    You’ve sorted out all the reasons you “can’t” be successful

    You’ve quit running yourself into the ground with stress

    You’ve figured out where you learned you cant be successful

    You’re clear on who it is you intend to be going forward.

    Now its time to act on it. Start putting your life, actions, habits and routines into place. Start setting up systems that will help you be successful. If its losing weight (you have likely determined your health is of value and all the reasons you haven’t made progress) now is the time to make being healthy easier. This journey never stops, the journey of growth and development and pursuit of success. Once we “arrive” and accomplish our goal there is always something else to strive for.

    There is an old saying "fake it till you make it." This implies you are being untrue. I believe "Be it till you see it." is more fitting. It's all about BEING, not faking it. Being is embodying who it is and what you are. No faking here.

    The goal itself is meaningless unless you immerse yourself in the process that gets you there. Fall in love with you are becoming and who you are. This is where the lessons are learned. You will only get what you want in the end when you have learned what you’ve needed to learn. So go and get it. Now is as good a time as any and you’re never guaranteed tomorrow.   

    What can you do today that your future, accomplished self will be proud of?

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