What We Resist, Persists: How to Overcome Mental Blocks and Achieve Your Goals
What if the very thing you are resisting is the exact same thing you need to face to take leaps forward in your health/life?
What is ONE thing that is constantly bringing you frustration right now?
Always on your mind?
Your biggest hurdle in your progress?
The biggest factor in why you aren't achieving or experiencing what you want?
How much of it do you feel has to do with something/someone else?
How much of it do you feel has to do with time?
How much of it do you feel has to do with life?
And what if you realized that it actually had EVERYTHING to do with YOU...
The moment you take EXTREME OWNERSHIP in all that you experience in YOUR life, is the moment you realize that everything you are experiencing right now is of your own creation. This can be scary if you are not used to taking responsibility for your life or being the hero in your own journey.
But ask yourself, how am I being complicit in allowing the things I say I don't want into my life?
You will find you are ALWAYS a participant in whatever comes your way. The things you want and/or don't want.
The good news is that this realization also allows you to take your power back. It allows you to be more intentional with WHO you are, HOW you show up in the world/day/week/month/moment.
I get that for some (maybe most?) this idea won't resonate and may be outright triggering. Nonetheless, I encourage you to have an open mind and explore this possibility for yourself and be open to how it may open you up to amazing possibilities.