Stop Making Fitness Negotiable!
There is a big problem for most people when it comes to getting in better shape.
Its not a lack of information or having the best diet, plan, and habits.
Its' deeper than that.
For too many, being in good shape is negotiable.
Sure, we all want to be leaner, have more energy, sleep better, think better and live better...but when it comes down to it, when most people are faced with temptation to run outside the "fit life" they run down that path with arms wide open (not the Creed song, lol)
You know exactly what I mean, don't you? You have made a menu of healthy meals and meal prepped this week but your friend/co-worker wants to do cocktails after work Friday night. You initially feel that twinge of "ohhh, I'm trying to lose weight" but the willingness to please or the temptation to "have just one" takes over and you give in. One drink in and you're ordering appetizers and a meal thinking "once in a while this is fine" except your hit with another temptation the next day, the next day and the next day.
It never ends and neither does your negotiation that "tomorrow I'll get back on track."
Here's the harsh truth: You will not make meaningful progress in your health and fitness as long as your health and fitness is not the number 1 priority.
As long as you are willing to negotiate with yourself, you will continue to take 1 step forward and 2 steps back.
You may be saying to yourself, " Alex, I DO want to be in better shape but I don't want to give up everything I love to do it."
I get it, I really do, but here's the thing: You must have an understanding for what is necessary to achieve your goal.
Tim Ferriss is an investor, entrepreneur and author of books like The 4-Hour Work Week, Tools of Titans, The 4-Hour Chef, among many others. He has always been, in his words, "a human guinea pig" in fitness and has lived a fit life for years. He was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and noticed a shift in how he felt.
"After contracting Lyme disease and operating at ~10% capacity for 9 months in 2014, I made health #1. Prior to Lyme, I’d worked out and eaten well, but when push came to shove, “health #1” was negotiable. Now, it’s literally #1."
Even though Tim was already fit and healthy, he wasn't feeling how he wanted to. The next level just demanded that his health was his number 1 priority. This is going to be true for you as well.
Tim also had this to say "If I sleep poorly and have an early morning meeting, I’ll cancel the meeting last-minute if needed and catch up on sleep. If I’ve missed a workout and have a conference call coming up in 30 minutes? Same. Late-night birthday party with a close friend? Not unless I can sleep in the next morning.
This is how you reach that next level. Are you willing to say NO more often so that you can say YES to great health?
"In practice, strictly making health #1 has real social and business ramifications. That’s a price I’ve realized I MUST be fine with paying, or I will lose weeks or months to sickness and fatigue."
All of life has trade offs and which ones you choose will dictate where you go.
When it comes to getting in better shape here are a few areas you MUST be willing to do better in if you are going to make real changes:
Minimize Alcohol: Limit your intake. Alcohol affects your decisions and can derail your progress.
Prioritize Sleep: Ensure you get enough rest. Poor sleep impacts recovery, energy, and cravings.
Track Your Food: Perhaps the MOST important! Be honest about your consumption. Use a food log and weight your food to gain insight into your eating habits and make adjustments.
Increase Movement: Aim for at least 8,000 steps daily, working towards 10,000. A sedentary lifestyle will hinder your results.
Say No to Temptation: Choose your health over social pressures. It’s okay to decline invitations that interfere with your goals.
Remember, your health and fitness don't care what's convenient, it just knows what works!
Are you willing to accommodate your body's needs to live a fit and healthy life?
Your next level will demand a level of discomfort so that you can grow, evolve and change. How much you improve will be determined by your capacity to endure that discomfort for long enough to see those results.
So the question becomes: How important is it to be healthy, fit, energetic, and an example to your family?
I hope this gives you something to think about and as outlined above, some areas to recalibrate your focus on if you are feeling stuck.
Have a great week!