From Boardroom to Barbell: Why Treating Your Health Like a Business Meeting is Non-Negotiable

The Problem:
You don't show up to work and wing it
You don't close the laptop without knowing what's on the agenda the next day
You don't blow off meetings because you don't feel like talking

If you did these things you'd be fired.

So why are you blowing off your health and fitness?
Why are you winging your meals and food choices?
Why do you push off your workout for TV time?

A lot of people I work with are successful in their business, careers, jobs and put in a lot of time, effort and sacrifice. They take ultimate responsibility in how peers, co-workers and boss perceive them as valuable and useful to the work force.

But what if by failing to show up in your health and fitness each day you were failing to show your value and capabilities as a partner, mother, father? The ones who really count.

This may sound harsh, and maybe it is, but if you aren't making your health a priority for you and your family then nothing else you do really matters

You see, taking care of yourself and making time for the commitment that ultimate health demands is the least selfish thing you can do.

By showing up you are leading by example, which is more powerful than word.  If you have kids then you understand that children often do what you do, not always what you say.

At work, if your actions don't align with your word then you lose the respect of those around you very quickly.

You may be saying "Ok, I get it. I know my health is important. I literally don't have time for 60 minute workouts everyday, food prep, grocery store visits, etc."

I get that. Its not easy.

But you make time for the project that needs to get done at work. You make time for the weekend golf outing to network. You make time to bring in that extra income.

You do those because your bank account depends on it.

The Solution:
The truth is that it comes down to priorities. 

You prioritize money and a promotion so that you can feed your family, go on vacation, save for college and live a good life. Which is admirable.

There are real consequences to not being able to do those things.

You must look at your health the same way.

Because the truth is, there are even BIGGER consequences to not getting your shit together.

No amount of money in the bank can fix diabetes, metabolic disease, lack of strength, an overweight body, and a weak body.

It must be important. Life or death, because it is.

The Process:
Maybe at this point you've had a switch. You understand that ultimate wealth includes health as well. You aren't "well off" if you struggle to get off the couch, get out of bed, or live life with ease.

But you're still wondering how to manage it all and put the pieces together.

You are avoiding the simplest thing and that is keeping you stuck in your health and fitness goals.

Your success professionally has left you bread crumbs, clues as to what you need to do.

You likely went to college, put in 4-10 years of work and learned the skills.

You applied those skills to a work force and through trial and error you learned what worked and what didn't. What landed, what flopped. What made money, what lost money.

You made adjustments according to the result you wanted. You always kept the result in mind, that guided your decision making. You built your life around it. Learning new skills, innovating, making money.

As you became more successful, it reinforced more action, learning and application.

What started out as difficult, frustrating became easier over time and through action.

You see, your whole road map to fitness success is right in front of you. You just need to work the system that you always have.

You must take inventory on your life as it is today. What is on your plate? what responsibilities do you have each day? where is your time going?

Write it out.

Prioritize eating, exercise, movement. Make them just as important as everything else in your life. Schedule it alongside everything else in your life (appointments, meetings, drop off at school, etc.)

I repeat. You must plan your training, movement and food alongside your work and relationships.

6am Wake Up
7am Workout
8am Breakfast
9am Work

It can look however you want, but it has to be given focus and intention.

I have a video that helps break down your day and how to schedule these out. You can view that HERE

They must be "meetings" you would never miss.

You must schedule them based on your unique lifestyle and preference and just like in business, adjust accordingly based on progress and lifestyle.

Give it time. Be committed. 

You didn't quit your job after the first setback, don't quit on your health after the first setback either.

If you can rise through the ranks at work after commitment and time then you can do the same with your health and fitness.

If this correlation resonates with you, i'd love to hear from you!

If you could use support, accountability and a collaborative plan, I have limited space for 1:1 clients right now where we work together on implementing these skills to achieve the best health and fitness you ever have.

You can inquire or setup a call in the “work with me” tab.


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