Elevate Your Health.

Elevate Your Life.

Helping Those Who Feel Stuck in Their Life and Fitness

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Want weekly tips on maximizing your time, effort and energy in building a healthier and happier life?


My Name is Alex Cook,

Being Healthy and Fit Is More Than Eating Right and Lifting Weights…

Its Freedom to Own Your Life.

Freedom to Move Your Body.

Freedom to Put Family First.

It’s about creating a way of doing those things that lends itself to a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life. It’s about approaching your day with energy, clarity, ambition even on your “worst” days. Its’s about moving with ease, having healthy relationships, and wanting more for yourself in every area of your life.

I have a saying that goes “every physical transformation demands an internal one with it.”

Living a fit and healthy life is about creating a healthy mindset and emotional base that makes you ready and capable of taking on life’s challenges, ensuring you never put unwanted weight back on or yo-yo diet ever again.

Guest appearance on the Illini Radio Group Podcast where we discuss everything health and wellness related

click HERE

This short E-Book will teach you the tools and things necessary to give you an above average knowledge on how to construct a way of eating and living your life that will allow for you to lose unwanted bodyfat and feel great in your body!.

Click the link below for a FREE download and get started today!

New YouTube Video EVERY Week.

What’s been said…

Once in a while you meet someone who is able to inspire you the way Alex does! I started training with Alex having no experience with fitness/working out...my first day, I joked saying "I want to lose 50 pounds" I didn't believe it would ever happen (I've always been the chubby girl) Alex taught me all about what I could do, taught me the things I need to be eating, and what limits I could push myself to! In 9 months I lost 50 pounds! He was my coach, my therapist, my champion when I was down! In many ways my best friend! He pushed me, never let me give up! To this day I know I can call him anytime and he will be there for me! He has seen me through my toughest times! So yes sometimes you meet someone who is a game changer, that's Alex!

-Missy B.

Before the pandemic I weighed 246lbs, and I knew that I had to make a change or wouldn't be around to accomplish any of my dreams. I reached out to Alex, and over the next 6 months he showed me what foods I should eat and why. He showed me how to exercise effectively and make it a part of my everyday life. He taught me a lot of life skills that I can not only apply to a diet but to my everyday life and dreams. I've lost 26lbs, and thanks to him I have a newfound hope, perspective, and joy. If you're looking to make a change like I was give Alex a try. I promise you that you won't be disappointed. Thankful and happy is what you'll be!!!

-Willie C.

Alex is a very good trainer, he is not all about just lifting weights, he is more about making life changes. You do not have to stop eating your favorite foods, it's all about moderation. Alex is very knowledgeable about a healthy body and mind. He continues to research new and improved ways to improve your physical and mental state.

-David W.

Working with Alex has truly been a game changer! I constantly look forward to every conversation we have because I'm always left feeling inspired and ready to conquer whatever is next in my path. His positive energy is so refreshing and I am in awe of his ability to motivate me in all aspects of my career and my life. I will forever refer my patients to him because I know he will take care of their mind, body, and soul, and that means the world to me. Thank you Alex for always giving your clients 110%!

-Kimbra R.

From the moment I met Alex , I knew he was a person that could help me achieve new goals and also the one that would help change my life for the better. I started training with Alex last April. During the last 6 months I have been challenged and pushed by Alex, and he has taught me a great deal. He makes working out fun and inspires me to reach new goals. I have been very impressed by Alex's passion to help clients, his knowledge, and his ability to connect with his clients. Alex is very caring and attentive to what each client needs, what their limits are, and how far he can push them. He encourages and motivates me to do better, and yet he knows how much I am capable of. He deserves 5 out of 5 stars from me. I plan to continue to work with Alex.

-Sue T.

Ways I Can Help You.

Let’s chat for free, and see if working together would be a good fit for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.